Paper of Professor He Manchao chosen as one of China’s Top 100 Influential Domestic Academic Papers
Editor: Date:2013-04-27 Hits:
Recently, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China has released the Statistical Data of Chinese Science and Technology Papers in 2012 and the paper of Professor He Manchao from our university titled “Deformation and Damage Mechanisms and Coupling Support Design in Deep Coal Roadway with Compound Roof” was chosen as one of China’s Top 100 Influential Domestic Academic Papers in 2011.
The selected 100 papers were rigorously screened from all Chinese papers included by Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database (CSTPCD) over the 5 years from 2007 to 2011, based on such indexes as innovativeness, document type, relevance to advanced key discipline, academic level of published periodicals, and citation rate, etc.