CUMTB Celebrates Eight Faculty Members Inclusion in 2021 China's Most Cited Researchers List
Editor: Date:2022-04-14 Hits:
On April 14, Elsevier officially released the 2021 Chinese Most Cited Researchers list.8 CUMTB scholars, including He Manchao, Wu Qiang, Wang Jiachen, Dai Shifeng, Ju Yang, Zuo Jianping, Meng Zhaoping and Sun Chunwen were selected, rankingthe101stamong universities in mainland China.
The 2021 Elsevier "China Most Cited Scholars" list encompasses 84 primary disciplines across 10 academic categories designated by the Ministry of Education. Utilizing Scopus, a globally recognized citation and index database as the source for statistical analysis of Chinese scholars' research accomplishments, a total of 4,701 scholars with the greatest global impact in their respective disciplines have been identified.
In our university, 3 scholars from the Geological Resources and Geological Engineering discipline, 2 from theMechanics discipline, 1 from theMiningEngineering discipline, 1 from theCivilEngineering discipline, and 1 from theChemistry discipline were selected as most cited scholars. Inclusion in this list signifies that these scholars hold significant international influencesin their respective research fieldsandhave made substantial contributions to the development of their disciplines,withtheir academic achievements rankingamong the top 1% in citation frequency within the same discipline.
In recent years, the number of highly cited scientists or ESI highly cited papers released by Clarivate Analytics has played a crucial role in university and discipline evaluations both domestically and internationally. It has become one of the key indicators for assessing the academic influence of universities.
In this round of selection,CUMTBachieved thehistoricallyhighest number of cited scholars and recognized subjects, underscoringthecomprehensive efforts in advancing the "Double First-Class" initiative. This success reflects the steady progress in fortifyingitsposition as a hub for cultivating talent, laying a solid foundation for the new journey toward "Double First-Class" and paving the way for a new chapter of accomplishments.