Four Programs of CUMTB Awarded “2014 International Exchange Program for Outstanding Undergraduate St

Editor:   Date:2014-12-12    Hits:

  Recently, China Scholarship Council (CSC) released the review result of 2014 International Exchange Program for Outstanding Undergraduate Students (the Program) and four of CUMTB’s exchange programs are formally confirmed to be listed in the Program by CSC after experts’ review, respectively the program with Pennsylvania State University, U.S. for graduation design, the program with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, U.S. for graduation design, the program with the University of Mons, Belgium and the program with Sam Houston State University, U.S. for course learning. These programs involve School of Mechanical, Electrical and Information Engineering, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, School of Management, School of Sciences and School of Law and Humanities. This is successively the second time for CUMTB to be funded by CSC, and 11 students will be selected and sent abroad for exchange with CSC scholarship in 2014.

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