Academician He Manchao and Prof. Dai Shifeng Selected into the 2019 List of Chinese Most Cited Researchers
Editor: Date:2020-05-08 Hits:
On May 7,Elsevier officiallyreleased the list of Chinese Most Cited Researchers in 2019, among whicha total of 2,163 domestic scholars were selected.He Manchao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and Dai Shifeng, dean of theSchool of Geo-sciences & Surveying Engineeringwerenamed on thelist.
Elsevier'sList of Chinese Most Cited Researcherscounts the Scopus databaseas its statistical source. Scopus, as the world’s leading peer-reviewed abstract citation indexdatabase, introduced byElsevier,has registered over 24,000 journals from above 5,000 publishers worldwide (harboring more than 730 journals in Mainland China), over 9.8 million conference papers, 220,000 books and 44 million pieces of patent information from the world’s five largest patent agencies. Thedatacover the various subjects, including natural sciences, technology, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, which can be dated back to 1823.