CUMTB Approved a National Education Research Program

Editor:   Date:2020-09-09    Hits:

Recently, the National Office for Education Science Planning has published the list of approved research programs during the “13th Five-Year” Plan for Education Science in 2020. “Research on Educational Robot and Its Teaching System”, declared by Zhao Jianwei, a teacher from the School of Mechanical Electronic & Information Engineering of CUMTB, has been approved a national general program.

The National Education Research Programis set up to serve the development of education and build aprosperouscountry in education, with thesolution tomajor practical problems of the countryas itsmainresearchdirection.A total of 436 programs have been funded this year, among which 219 programs are supported by national general program.

In recent years, the research programs in the field of humanities and social sciences haveseena remarkableincreaseunder the attention and support fromthe university and the schools.

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