CUMTB Joins China Smart Energy Industry Alliance

Editor:Gao Jie   Date:2020-03-18    Hits:

Recently, CUMTB officially joined China Smart Energy Industry Alliance, becoming a member of the vice chairmangroupof the alliance.

China Smart Energy Industry Alliance is guided by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and jointly initiated by State Power Investment Corporation Limited and China Electricity Council with theparticipation of central state-owned enterprises, local state-owned enterprises, well-known private enterprises, scientific research institutes and universities in energy sector.

As a member of the Alliance,CUMTBwillearnestly assume and fulfillitsresponsibilities and obligations, which is not only an important measure for the university to respond to the call of the national energy revolution, to expand its social influence and enhance its social service capabilities, but also another strategic measure to accelerate the construction of a world-class energy science and technology university. CUMTB will make full use of the alliance platform to deeply participate in smart energy technology innovation and industry-university-research cooperation, maintain and develop the disciplinary advantages ofCUMTB, and strive to play a positive role in building a smart, informationalized, clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient national energy system.

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