At the meeting

Academician Ge Shirong,CUMTBPresident,metwith Chairman Li Xinqing of Australian Education Management Group

Academician Ge Shirong,CUMTBPresident,metwith Professor Jennifer Howell, Vice President of Global Affairs at University of Western Australia

Group Photo of Participants
On the afternoon of November 4th, Chairman Li Xinqing of Australian Education Management Group (AEMG) led a delegation of five, including Professor Wang Jing, the Executive Director of the Group, Professor Andrew Roberts, Vice President (Academic), and Assistant Vice President Duan Yucai. They werejoined by Professor Jennifer Howell, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), at University of Western Australia(UWA), and Ms. Rachel Darovic, Director of theUWA’sGlobal Engagement Office, during their visit to our campus. President,academicianGe Shirongmet with the visiting delegation, anddirectorsfrom Graduate School and International Cooperation and Exchange Office participated in the discussions.
During the meeting with the AEMG delegation, Ge Shirong reflected on theCUMTB's successful history of collaboration with AEMG. He expressed the hope that AEMG would leverage the strong connections between the group and the Australian higher education sectorto establish a collaborative platform between our university and top Australian institutions in areas such as clean energy utilization, intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence and big data. This collaborative effort aims to advance discipline development and talent cultivation in relevant fields at the university.
The leaders of AEMG responded enthusiastically and proposed a collaborative model known as“1+N”, featuring multiple universities, various levels and high-level cooperation. They suggested establishing collaboration between our university and several prestigious Australian institutions, including Australian National University and University of Western Australia. The envisioned collaboration would involve jointly establishing Sino-Australian institutions in the mentioned fields, covering both undergraduate and graduate education as well as research cooperation.
After the delegation from University of Western Australia arrived at theuniversity, Professor Jennifer Howell, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) initiated a lecture in Room 234 of theMinzuBuilding, providing an overview of the academic and research landscape at University of Western Australia. Following the lecture, she actively participated in the ensuing discussion. Both parties delved into comprehensive discussions on various fields, with a particular focus on the 'Mathematics+' model, eventually reaching a consensus on the intention to collaborate in joint training programs, specifically embracing the 3+2 collaborative education model.