CUMTB Chairman XuXiaomin Signs Letter of Intent with TU Clausthal

Editor:   Date:2016-06-30    Hits:

On November 13, CUMTB Chairman of University Affairs Committee Xu Xiaomin was invited to German Embassy in Beijing to sign the Letter of Intent with President Thomas Hanschke of Technische Universit?t Clausthal (TUC), Germany, witnessed by Stephan Weil, the Governor of Lower Saxony. The predecessor of this university is a mining and smelting school founded by Henning Calv?r in 1775 and then became a mining academy in 1864. In 1968, the university introduced new major courses of study in chemistry, physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering, and at the same time, the number of enrolled students greatly increased. With 95 professors, 1150 employees and over 4700 students, TUC is one of the famous technical universities in Germany with high prestige in energy related disciplines.

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