Xu Xiaomin, Secretary of the CPC CUMTB, Meets with Canadian Alumnus

Editor:   Date:2018-10-17    Hits:

On the morning of October 15, Dr. Guo Yingting, the celebrated Canadian Chinese alumnus of CUMTB, came back to visit the university. Xu Xiaomin, Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of CUMTB, met with him. Secretary Xu highly praised Dr. Guo’s outstanding achievements in the field of mining prospecting and great contributions to the mining industry, briefed on the current situation of international exchanges and scientific research cooperation of CUMTB, and extended his hope for Dr. Guo to set a good example for CUMTB students to obtain new achievements in geological prospecting and mine exploration. Dr. Guo expressed his pride as an alumnus in the achievements of CUMTB, reported on his latest research, and also wished his Alma Mater a better future.

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