President Ge Shirong Leads a Delegation to Visit Cooperative Universities in Germany and Austria

Editor:   Date:2023-11-15    Hits:

From November 5th to 12th, President Ge Shirong, along with a delegation from our university, visited Germany and Austria. The delegation visited Technische Universität Clausthal (TU Clausthal) and Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TU Freiberg) in Germany, and Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria. They co-organized a Sino-German Green Technology Symposium with TU Clausthal, renewed the 4+2 project cooperation agreement with TU Freiberg, discussed a joint education program in "New Energy Science and Engineering" with Montanuniversität Leoben, and met with faculty and students from our university engaged in exchange programs at the partner institutions. Additionally, the delegation, in collaboration with the Sino-Austrian Association for Science and Technology Exchange, visited an energy company in Vienna.

During the visit to TU Clausthal, Ge Shirong and the delegation met with Professor Christian Bohn, Vice President of the university. They delivered speeches at the Sino-German Green Technology Symposium jointly organized by both niversities. The symposium using a combination of online and offline formats attracted the attention of over 2200 participants. Presenters included Professor Oliver Langefeld from TU Clausthal, Professor Yang Shengli, Dean of School of Energy and Mining at our university, Professor Hans-Peter Beck, the Founding Chairman of the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN)  and a member of German National Academy of Science and Engineering, Professor Hou Zhengmeng from TU Clausthal, and Chen Wenjia, the Executive Director of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Germany GmbH. They shared the latest developments in the field of green technology.


Subsequently, Ge Shirong led the delegation to TU Freiberg, where they met with Professor Tobias Fieback, Vice President of the university, Ingrid Lange, Director of the International Office, and Haina Chen-Konietzky, the Project Manager for China at the International Office. Both parties reviewed the deep friendship and collaborative achievements established over the past decade through projects such as 4+2 and AMRD. They renewed the cooperation agreement for the 4+2 program and exchanged ideas on further expanding and deepening research cooperation, as well as collaborative student training. Following the meeting, the delegation also visited the university's mineral museum, which houses a collection of 3,500 types of minerals and gemstones.

During the visit to Montanuniversität Leoben, Ge Shirong and the delegation first met with Professor Peter Moser, President of Montanuniversität Leoben, Vice President for International Affairs Thomas Prohaska, Project Manager at the International Office Johannes Caliskan, Academic Affairs Office Project Manager Volkmar Kircher, and Project Manager for China Jie Zhou. After reviewing the cooperative achievements of the past decade, the two parties engaged in in-depth discussions on advancing the joint "New Energy Science and Engineering" educational program. They also explored the possibility of collaborating with enterprises on joint projects between industry and academia. The delegation visited the Mining Department, held discussions with the Department Head, Professor Michael Tost and AMRD project manager, Ms. Birgit Knoll, and summarized the fruitful results of the AMRD project implemented jointly by our university, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, and Montanuniversität Leoben over the past nine years. Plans for the tenth-anniversary celebration of the project next year were also discussed. Additionally, Ge Shirong led the delegation to meet with two doctoral students and two AMRD students from our university who are currently studying at Montanuniversität Leoben. He encouraged the students to make the most of their exchange opportunities and, after completing their studies, contribute to their homeland.


During the Vienna visit, Ge Shirong and the delegation toured the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). They had a meeting with Qi Guan, President of the Promotion Association for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Austria and China (PASCO). Additionally, they jointly visited the Fernwaermewerk Spittelau, a waste-to-energy incineration power plant. The plant, with an exterior designed by the eccentric talent architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, has an annual waste processing capacity of 250,000 tons, handling approximately one-third of Vienna's waste. The waste gases and water produced during incineration undergo rigorous purification before being released. The thermal energy generated by the incineration plant can provide heating for 60,000 households, making it an exemplary model of green energy.


This overseas visit marks the first time the university has sent a delegation to visit partner institutions abroad since the onset of the pandemic. It has played a crucial role in further solidifying the international cooperation network of the university, strengthening emotional connections with overseas partners. Moreover, it has provided guidance for broadening collaboration channels and deepening cooperative efforts in the post-pandemic era. This visit is expected to significantly contribute to the university's high-quality internationalization efforts and its commitment to maintaining a high level of openness to the outside world.


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